Sunday 10 May 2015

Artwork: apothecary shop

After writing the description for the apothecary shop i was instantly reminded of the Borgin and Burkes dark magic shop in the 'Harry Potter' series so for reference i read extracts from the chamber of secrets, looked at the film and Pottermore's interpretation for  perspectives and lighting as I wanted the shop to feel busy and dark. 

first I set out my horizon line and two-point perspective 

then I set out the basic outline of the room and big objects. 

using a colour palette influenced by the Pottermore Borgin and Burkes shop i started to shade and colour the shop.

 then added appropriate items into the shop

I decided to experiment with the back wall colour because the dark colour pallet was making the image look flat. i decide to pick a bright yellow which was able to help the perspective but on the other hand it brightens the scene so much, that it changes the mood of the scene from a gloomy atmosphere to a bright happy mood.   

Instead of brightening the back wall I used a lighting effect on Photoshop to darken the room and add a spotlight to the scene which finally gave it a moody atmosphere.
now the lighting was correct I went ahead and detailed the items in the shop properly.
Below is the finish piece. When the rest of my artwork is complete I am hoping to animate a few items in the shop to bring more life into the scene

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