Thursday 30 April 2015

A physicians workdesk

I wanted to create a work desk that would allow the reader to learn more historic fasts without them feeling forced to read it.
i did some quick research on 17th century desks and work spaces, items that would have in that time as well as potion rooms to looks at colours and items.
Below is the progression of my workdesk:

First I set about pixelating the potions mini game above to get a nice colour pallet for my own art piece. i then set up the basic work station looking at the colour and size.
I start drawing out ideas of where objects might be placed like books.

I began to contemplate the light source so i create my candle so i would always have a clear idea how the light will fall on other objects.

 Objects were outlined, shaded then coloured.

 My colleague T. Navikas created the four objects in the foreground which look fantastic! while I finished the shadows.  

This is the final image:

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