Thursday 21 May 2015

Clarification of Ebook program

Over the past couple of months I have been trying to narrow down the program i wanted to use for my Ebook at the end of this project. At the end of my research project(ba7) I had chosen on Kwikier, a third party Photoshop plug-in which had worked in previous tests when the was a maximum of 4 pages, me naivety believing it will be able to cope with creating more pages.
Unfortunately as the weeks have started to run out and the time had come to use Kwik I uploaded all my components but the third party plug-in had problems coding and publishing.
I then spent two days on InDesign hoping that this program might fix my problem. I was able to get the page transitions and folio overlays working on the Ipad but when I added my animations but a black box appeared around the animations making the scene unprofessional.
Personally I wanted my final project to be finished by this week but at this point that's not going to happen.
I will be seeing my tutor tomorrow so I hope I will be able to sort the problem by either using Indesign or by using a more unknown programs like unity or IBook

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