Monday 18 May 2015

Artwork: Alleyway

The plague doctor is an essential villain in my historic fiction novel as he a manipulative and corrupt individual out to get as much money from the sick as possible for his bogus 'cures'. while my protagonist only wishes to help the sick from the pestilence in hope of being accepted by the community. 

for my plague doctor I decided to place him down a narrow alleyway to isolate the view but easily direct the view to the character. so I got a reference of 'Devil's Alley' from Kings Lynn to help me with the perceptive and shading.

I wanted to give the impression of evening going into nighttime so i used a mixture of blues and browns to interpret this. also by having a dark environment it will give an air of mystery to the character.

 now that I had a basic idea of my environment I started thinking about the appearance of my plague doctor. using my research from Ba7 I made a initial sketch which i then used to make show iterations.
I chose to use the plague doctor with the long beak as it seemed more historically accurate that the others. I also tried to add the plague doctors iconic stick but it didn't look anatomically correct so  went back to the original

after asking my peers there opinion on the scene i was advised to try and brighten the light coming out the windows so plague doctor can have highlights over him making him more appealing to look at.
 using a contrast of yellows and purples to lighten and darken the scene has allowed the muddy colours i had before to stand out more

 I then started picking out colours from the environment to colour in the plague doctors coat and hat. I also added some fog to give the feeling of mystery and spookiness.  As well as looking into detailing of the environment.

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