Friday 29 May 2015


exporting my indesign file

over the past few days i have been having trouble exporting my Indesign file into a file that will play all my media and having page transitions. for example when exported as a interactive PDF my animations disappear from the scene disappear and the page transitions do not work.
when researching online and through trial and error I found that SWF files worked my animations sometimes and other time not at all.
I spend three days fixing the issues which involved keeping the SWF file and video files together and checking all the animations were started by a mouse click, instead of a touch/release of button.
After creating my SWF file i researched online on how to convert it for an Ipad but quickly found out that this is not possible as apple products dont understand this file format. next i checked if it was possible to work it on an android tablet but there also seemed to be issues with running it on my nexus. (i will look into this further after submission because i would prefer it on a tablet rather than an computer)

so i have concluded that I shall hand in my SWF file for it to be run on window/mac and after submission i shall look into putting it on tablet and changing the resolution size to be full screen on the computer. 

Sunday 24 May 2015

Artwork: First Page

this is the final image for the front cover. I changed the black border to the wooden table from the front cover image then placed my illustration on the right hand side.

Saturday 23 May 2015

Artwork: front page

I wanted to add a bit more artwork to by book so i went back over my past research report and researched 17th century books to see what was common for the front cover as well as rediscovering 17th century artwork.

after the research i merged these pieces of artwork together to create this opening art piece. the next step is to put this illustration onto the page background and make the image appear a bit worn.

Friday 22 May 2015

Animation: Flowers

after tackling some of the big objects to animate i thought it would be more immersive to make the smaller objects have a bit of motion.

Animation problems in Indesign

After creating my animations I was hoping that when i uploaded into Indesign there wouldn't be a problem but unfortunately when i uploaded the video file the videos contained a black fill around the animated object even though when it was exported there was a transparent background. after experimenting with various video formats and reading into Indesign about video files. 
for example when i exported the animations as a GIF Indesign did not identify it as a video and was unable to play it.

I discovered that the only to logically fix the problem was to edit all with a background. Below is the before and after of what i had to do to my animations.