Saturday 14 February 2015

choosing my london street

Here I started to consider a street from 17th century London for my main character to live. My criteria includes being close to one of first encounters of the black plague and has to have merchants/ shops near by to supply the main character with ingredients. 

Paternoster Row -the wide street which is had a market on one side and old st Pauls cathedral on the other.  The old London city wall at the end. Textile sellers, Silkmen and Lacemen. Shops for nobility and gentry. The street was usually blocked with coaches of “quality”.

After note: I have recently spoken to my tutor who suggests a more poorer and over populated setting for my plot to be more engaging than a clean rich street. so Paternoster Row may not be appropriate. I will explore Samuel Pepys diary to help me find a new street.

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