Friday 20 March 2015

Drury Lane

 As i write my novel I want to draw a summarizing scene eve few pages that reflect the atmosphere and setting. my first chapter is quite calm and summery to reflect the protagonist mood as well as the weather. As I have been having trouble with perspective and colour pallets which lead me onto having art-block for 2 weeks. But luckily after a lot of trial and error I finally got an interesting street.

above is two paintings of my failed attempts. below is the start of my final piece. 

here is my final image, the street itself looks nice but it but i see some flaws such as making the street more busy and more detail in the foreground but it isn't a priority at the moment.

Friday 13 March 2015

creating the basis for my characters

This is the guidelines for each of my characters I can refer back to check each character is consistent.

The Ashby's are a poor family, from a long line of tanners, this makes the whole family smell unpleasant even the son who hasn’t lived with his family for months still smell of horrible.

Father: Mr Ashby trades is a tanner. broad, quiet (turns animal hides in to leather.)

Mother: Margaret- is a cautious parent always busy with house work or errands. enjoys singing and humming around the house she can be heard from houses away but it is like
Son: Ruben is the apothecary apprentice and becomes the physician’s assistant in some instances. An athletic child making him very useful for running from place-to-place.
·         An eager learner
·         curious (like many child his age)
·         personal courage
·          Is very quiet, only asking questions when he truly doesn’t understand this makes him a very observant, noticing things that other might miss.

Daughter: Joyce 9 months old is a happy, smiling baby. We first meet her is when her mother suspects Joyce of having the plague but it turns out to be a fever. With her bone rattle a gift passed down through the family.

Mr. Eccles the baker lives a few house down with his wife who assists in his shop and his three boys (Isaac, David and John).
Thick as thieves, the bakers children are friends of Ruben and are always trying to influence him to stay play all day instead of concentrating on his apprenticeship.

S. Pepys an observant but socially active and extrovert man. But is frequently disloyal to his wife by having several affairs. There is reason to believe that Pepys suffered from OCD  

The Plague Doctor a money grabbing, con man who manipulates the opinions of the community against Edmund (leading to mistrust of him) and to persuade them to buy his useless concoctions.